Below is the High School GEC tournament schedule. Crab Orchard's first game is on Tuesday, January 28th @ 8:00 pm vs Carrier Mills. Come out and cheer on our Trojans! All games will be place at SIC. CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
1 day ago, Kristal Deming
high school basketball tournament bracket
Crab Orchard CUSD #3 would like to give a HUGE shout out to our high school cheerleaders on placing first, in their division, at the Carmi Cheer for a Cure competition! CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
1 day ago, Kristal Deming
12 high school cheerleaders wearing black and orange uniforms standing on a gym floor
CONGRATULATIONS to Carter W for scoring his 1000th point, during the 1st quarter of Friday night's win, vs Galatia. CO is proud of you!!!
4 days ago, Kristal Deming
HS male holding a basketball wearing a white uniform standing next to coach wearing all black
Crab Orchard Community is invited, on January 31st @ 9:15 to the high school gym, to hear our guest speaker Damon West. Please see the attached flier to learn more information. CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
4 days ago, Kristal Deming
Damon West guest speaker flier
Congratulations to our 8th JH Basketball players and Cheerleaders. We have loved watching you during JH and look forward to your continued success in High School. CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
5 days ago, Kristal Deming
8 junior high boy basketball players wearing black long sleeved shirts and white shorts standing in a line in front of a trophy case
6 junior high girl cheerleaders wearing black and orange long sleeve uniforms standing in a line in front of a trophy case
8 JH boy basketball players standing in front of a trophy case with 6 JH cheerleaders standing in front of them
Crab Orchard Pre-K Screening is Thursday, March 20th from 8:00 - 10:30 am at Center Baptist Church. Appointments are required. Please call 618-993-2138 or 618-733-3355 to schedule an appointment or request additional information.
5 days ago, Kristal Deming
Pre-K Screening informational flyer
The 2024-2025 West Frankfort Mid-Winter Classic Information. We play Tuesday, January 21st, Wednesday, January 22nd and Friday, January 24th. CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
9 days ago, Kristal Deming
high school basketball tournament information
Crab Orchard CUSD #3 2024 Christmas Concert...Crab Orchard is One Community, One School, One Family!
19 days ago, Kristal Deming
Crab Orchard CUSD #3 would like to give a huge shout out to Drew B and let her know how proud we are of her for signing to play softball at Shawnee Community College. We look forward to all of your future success! Trojan Proud!
29 days ago, Kristal Deming
HS female sitting at a table with adults sitting on both sides and two adults standing behind
Crab Orchard CUSD #3 would like to give a huge shout out to Aubrey H and let her know how proud we are of her for signing to play softball at Southeastern Illinois College. We look forward to all of your future success! Trojan Proud!
29 days ago, Kristal Deming
HS female sitting at a table with adults on both sides and two adults standing behind
Crab Orchard High School's FFA Chapter competed in the Dairy Foods and Poultry Evaluation contests on 12/12/24. In these contests, students identify and grade various dairy and poultry products. The poultry team placed 3rd overall, with Kelsey Hudgens placing 10th individually. Trojan Proud!!!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
group of high school students standing on a stairwell holding a cardboard crab orchard FFA sign
Mr. Shreve's class won the ice cream party because Kyson and Taytum guessed the closest to the actual number of candy canes in the jar. It was a contest given to the students by our Cafeteria elves (Ralphie & Cousin Eddy). Trojan Proud!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
elementary class, dressed in green, in front of a christmas tree
elementary class, dressed in green, holding ice cream bars
Our big BINGO winners: Kyson, Shayleigh, Ryker, Heston, Teagan, Remington, London, Elsey and Jordan. Fun was had by all!!!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
young boy with dark hair and green t-shirt holding an operation game
young girl with blonde hair pulled back in a pink and white hoodie holding an operation game
young boy with light blonde hair and a light grey hoodie holding a battleship game
one young boy with a green t-shirt holding a battleship game and two young girls with long dark hair wearing christmas sweaters and holding the twister and what do you meme game
elementary students sitting in a cafeteria playing BINGO
elementary students sitting in a cafeteria playing BINGO
three young females with brown hair holding board games
Mrs. Samuel's 6th Grade Character Education Sock Drive was a huge success! All donations were sent to The Voyages nursing home. We are very thankful to all who donated! CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
Class of JH students holding presents and sitting around wrapped boxes of socks
Mr. Shreve's 1st grade class dressed up on Grinch day! CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
1st grade classroom, standing in the hallway, dress up in the Grinch clothing
Free gloves and socks giveaway this Saturday, December 14th from 9:00 - 11:00 am.
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
Free gloves and sock giveaway poster in navy blue with grey socks and gloves
Crab Orchard CUSD #3 would like to give a huge shout out to Kayden G and let her know how proud we are of her for signing to play softball at Shawnee Community College. We look forward to all of your future success! Trojan Proud!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
High school student sitting at a table with 3 adult and 3 adult standing behind her while she is signing for college softball
CONGRATULATIONS to Cameron C for scoring his 1000th point, during the 3rd quarter of Friday night's Homecoming game, vs Pope County. CO is proud of you!!!
about 1 month ago, Kristal Deming
High school basketball player with coach standing on the gym floor holding the game ball
We love Mr. Shreve's tree and how festive his classroom looks! CO is One Community, One School, One Family...Trojan Proud!
about 2 months ago, Kristal Deming
Colorful Christmas Tree
Now Hiring - Crab Orchard CUSD#3 is looking to fill a Day time Custodial Position
about 2 months ago, Sy Stone
Now Hiring