PTO By-Laws
President shall in general supervise and control all of the activities of the organization. Shall establish an agenda for all meetings and vote only in case of a tie.
Submit a list of all fundraisers to the school board for approval. (You can give this to Teresa Hill). This should be done before the end of the school year, (sometime in May).
Make a budget for the whole year and have it approved at the first meeting. This decreases the amount of meetings you have to have throughout the year.
Find one person to be in charge of the “Box Tops of Education” and all the responsibilities that come with it.
Organize Harvest Hoedown – with the help of the officers and members of PTO.
Each officer shall work the concession stand for two grade school home basketball games along with a homeroom mother and two adult volunteers.
Organize Santa’s Cottage – with the help of the officers and members of the PTO.
Organize 8th Grade Chili Supper – with the help of the officers and members of the PTO.
Schedule meetings as needed.
The President along with the officers will choose homeroom mothers. They will inform them of their responsibilities and help them in anyway possible.
Assists the President in any way possible. In the absence of the President, he/she shall perform the duties of the President.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the Harvest Hoedown with the other officers and members.
Each officer works the concession stand for two home grade school basketball games along with a homeroom mother and two adult volunteers.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at Santa’s Cottage with the other officers and members.
Help organize and work at the 8th Grade Chili Supper with the other officers and members.
If needed, he/she may have to go to Sam’s and get supplies for concessions.
He/she shall keep the minutes of all meetings and report minutes of previous meetings.
Collect all membership dues as are established by the organization and keep record of an accurate list of the Voting Members. A list the members names and phone numbers should be given to all officers.
See that all notices, memos or letters are typed, copied and sent home with teachers and students informing parents of upcoming meetings and PTO activities.
Each officer works the concession stand for two home grade school basketball games along with a homeroom mother and two adult volunteers.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the Harvest Hoedown along with the other officers and members.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at Santa’s Cottage along with the other officers and members.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the 8th Grade Chili Supper.
The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization.
Maintain checkbook, make all deposits and balance ledger and checkbook. Issue checks as authorized by the President. Checks MUST be signed by two officers, (treasurer and one other officer.)
Make sure start-up money (money box) is at all home grade school basketball games, Harvest Hoedown, Santa’s Cottage and Chili Supper. Keep a calendar of all PTO events that a money box will be needed.
Shall present a written financial report at each General Membership Meeting and as requested by the Officers.
Each officer works the concession stand for two home grade school basketball games along with a homeroom mother and two adult volunteers.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the Harvest Hoedown.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the Santa’s Cottage along with the other officers and members.
Help organize, set-up, and/or work at the 8th Grade Chili Supper along with the other officers and members.
A letter will be given to all parents/guardians from Kindergarten to eighth grade asking for individuals interested in being a homeroom mother/father.
The letter will also ask for parents/guardians that can help with parties, send candy, snacks, drinks, etc., or is willing to help out in any way possible.
Look for this letter when you come in August to register your child, pay book fees and get their picture taken.
Kindergarten parents/guardians will still need to come and pay any book fees and get their child’s picture taken even though you have already registered.
A Homeroom mother/father is responsible for a Christmas Party, Valentine’s Day party and end-of-the-year party. You will be given a list of parents who signed the letter saying they would help with parties, snacks, etc. Use those parents to help with the parties.
A Homeroom mother/father also works at least one night in the concession stand for a home grade school basketball game with two other volunteers from their class if possible.
A Homeroom mother/father picks a basket theme for Harvest Hoedown and gets items from the class and puts the basket together to raffle-off at the Harvest Hoedown.
Party money collected from each class, labeled and kept in the grade school volt. When a homeroom mother/father needs money for a party, they will go to Teresa and ask for their party money. Only take out the amount needed for that party and keep the rest in the volt. Please keep any receipts and put them in the envelope with the money.
Please remember that you will have help from any of the PTO officers. They will answer any questions you have about your responsibilities as a homeroom mother.