young boy with light brown hair wearing a gray t-shirt

Trace is a delight to have in Pre-K! He is kind to all his friends and share with all. Trace is great at listening and following directions.

- Pre-K

smiling young boy with blonde hair wearing a gray zipped up jacket

Kolton is one of my best helpers. He loves to assist in any way and delights in answering questions. He also loves to share his faith in Jesus.

- Kindergarten

smiling young girl with blonde  hair, wearing a black t-shirt

I like having Emery in class. She is a great reader and mathematician. She is always ready to lend a hand to her classmates or teacher.

- 1st Grade

orange & white trojan logo

Aradia is such a hard worker. She comes in every day ready to learn. I'm constantly impressed with her attention for detail in everything she does. Aradia also loves to help others any chance she gets.

- 2nd Grade

smiling young boy with brown hair wearing a black t-shirt under a green corduroy

Mason is such a sweet kiddo with an amazing brain! He surprises me every day with his thoughtful questions and unique perspective. He is a curious, bug-loving, science-loving kiddo, and we are so lucky to have him in our class!

- 3rd Grade

young girl with brown hair wearing a light blue hooded seatshirt

Rilynn is such a sweet young lady who is so kind to everyone around her. She brings so much light into our classroom and we are lucky to have her.

- 4th Grade

smiling boy with dark brown hair and glasses wearing a black  zipped up jacket

Eli is my morning helper and assistant teacher! He takes his jobs and schoolwork very seriously, and I can definitely see him being a teacher one day. He really listens, and his thirst for knowledge is the brightest light of my day.

- 5th Grade

young lady with dark blonde hair wearing a white t-shirt

Payton is always prepared for class. She works hard, is always willing to help in the classroom and help others.

- Jr High

smiling young lady with brown hair pulled back and glasses wearing a light yellow sweatshirt

Kinleigh is an incredibly hard-working student who is always willing to help her classmates. She works extremely hard in both classes I have her in.

- High School

smiling young girl with dark blonde hair wearing a pink t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

smiling boy with dark hair wearing a dark gray t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

female staff member with highlighted red hair wearing a tan, cream, & brown sweater

Perfect Attendance