Young girl with dark brown hair pulled back with a purple ribbed shirt

What a joy it is having Elora in Pre-K this year! She is so sweet and friendly to all. Elora loves to learn and play with her classmates.

- PreK

smiling young boy with light brown hair and a tan dino t-shirt

Jackson has had so much growth the past few weeks. I am so proud of how hard he is working and I can't wait to see what all he accomplishes next year!

- Kindergarten

smiling young boy with brown hair and a red/black under armour t-shirt

Benson is such a kind and sweet student in class. He is very polite and always makes sure that his fellow students are cared for in class and on the playground. I am proud of all of his hard work this year and will miss him when he moves on to second grade next year!

- 1st Grade

Young girl with brown hair pulled back and a pink shirt with popsicles

Emersyn is my go-to girl when it comes to the classroom environment. She always knows what's going on, is eager to help pass out papers or help a classmate catch up. She loves to read and her love of literature is contagious. I've loved her in my classroom this year!

- 1st Grade

Young male with brown hair and a red/black adidas hoodie

Calvin is a great student to have in the classroom. He is extremely intelligent and adds to all our classroom discussions. He is well liked by other students and is quick to help somebody out.

- 2nd Grade

Young girl with light brown hair in a side braid with a pink t-shirt

Lily is such a sweet girl. She is quick to give hugs first thing in the morning. She always comes in with a smile on her face. She works hard in class and always tries her best.

- 2nd Grade

smiling boy with brown hair and glasses with a t-rex monster truck t-shirt

Logan has been such a joy to have in class this year. He has worked really hard and continues to try his best. I am so proud of all of the growth he has shown this year and am excited to see what he accomplishes in the future.

- 3rd Grade

smiling boy with dark brown hair wearing a black eclipse t-shirt

I am so glad Hunter has joined our class this year! He works really hard and has so many great ideas to share.

- 4th Grade

boy with brown hair wearing a  brown long sleeve t-shirt

Tyler always has a positive attitude, tries his best with his classwork, and comes to class ready to learn. He is always willing to help others, and is a joy to have in our classroom!

- 5th grade

Junior high girl with light red hair wearing a light blue long sleeve t-shirt hoodie

Shelby is a great student to have in class. She is eager to learn, helpful to other students, has great skills in design, sewing and hand stitching. She has been a huge help with hand and machine sewing tips/tricks for the other students.

- Jr High

Smiling junior high boy with brown hair and a white/black under armour t-shirt

Fisher is a joy to have in class, he works hard to complete the assignment or activity, he doesn't hesitate to ask questions when he needs clarification and he is quick to help others. He is also a great time keeper for when we need to clean up at the end of class.

- Jr High

High school girl with long light red hair wearing a black/white eclipse t-shirt

Karaleigh is a big picture thinker who plans and paces her efforts toward maximum success.

- High School

Young boy with brown hair and pink champion t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

Young girl with brown hair and a gray champion t-shirt

Perfect Attendance